Spring Clean 1st and 2nd April 2023

We started our Spring Cleans about 5 years ago when we planted a whole array of bulbs (daffodils and crocus) from a KCC grant the flowers are now looking sad. You might want to take photographs of areas which need replacing and let me know what bulbs you require for planting in the autumn for areas outside your house?

Possible ideas for the Spring clean

  • Cutting back vegetation from your garden which is protruding onto pavements.
  • Pavements outside your house – leaves, debris, weeds that need removing.
  • Communal areas such as the bridge, Upper Cumberland Walk, Warwick Park alongside the playing fields, Roedean under the rhododendrons etc.
  • Picking up litter
  • Areas which you may have been walking past for the last few weeks which you think need clearing up.

A number of residents in Richmond Place are attempting to clear and improve the woodland area, at their own expense (this is not funded by WPARA), which is hard work, but great for having a chat with your neighbours. Maybe there is a mini project which you would like to work on?

We will have some funds available through the WPARA increased subscriptions let your Area Representative know if you have any ideas (Potholes and pavements excluded as we don’t have that much to spend!)

Bring your ideas to the AGM on the 23rd May. In the meantime help us to make our special conservation area look fresh and bright.
