

The Warwick Park Area is a remarkably densely wooded residential area for the centre of a town and trees are an integral part of its ambience, supporting a wide range of wildlife.

Many trees were planted when the houses were built and the original owners did not always consider the implications when they were fully grown. Now, 100 years later they may require attention, but it’s important to be aware of what you can and can’t do.

Most of WPARA’s residents live in a Conservation area and this imposes strict rules about tree works.  For instance, if your tree has a stem diameter of more than 75 mm when measured at 1.5 meters above ground level you must notify Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and make a planning application.  Many mature trees also have Tree Protection Orders. If you carry out unauthorised work you can be fined up to £2,500 and felling a tree without permission carries a fine of up to £20,000.

The Tunbridge Wells Borough Council website has an excellent advice section with links to all the necessary planning portals and maps to identify the Conservation Area boundaries and specific Tree Protection Orders.

We also recommend consulting neighbours if you are considering tree works as they may affect their privacy or view.